Dallas Makerspace - Common Links

Talk: talk.dallasmakerspace.org

This is our online forum. It is a place to post questions/plan events/etc.

Green Dot: https://talk.dallasmakerspace.org/t/about-the-member-access-green-dot-category/42006

Calendar: calendar.dallasmakerspace.org

The place to find and sign up for classes and events. Meetings like board and committee meetings are also posted here.

Discord: discord.dallasmakerspace.org

A live chat app that we use for live communications, questions, and maintenance/infrastructure requests.

DMS Gmail: mail.dallasmakerspace.org

As a member, you can login to your DMS Google account using the same credentials as the DMS computers/maker manager and the like.

Online Classes: learn.dallasmakerspace.org

Documentation Source: source.dallasmakerspace.org

Accounts / MakerManager / Badges: accounts.dallasmakerspace.org/makermanager

Who Am I: whoami.dallasmakerspace.org

View your permission groups and other relevant information.
